TOP 10 FTP Clients

Smart FTP Cute FTP FlashFXP FileZilla File Transfer FTP Coffee Cup BulletProof FTP FTP Commander FTP Voyager ACE FTP

FTP Return Codes

FTP server return codes show their status by the digits within them. A short explanation of various digits’ meanings are given below: 1xx: Positive Preliminary reply. The action requested is being initiated but there will be another reply before it begins. 2xx: Positive Completion reply. The action requested has been completed. The client may now […]

What is FTP?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, it is mainly used to send and receive files on the Internet. It was developed in 1985 and is defined in RFC 959. FTP is a way of accessing files on another computer. The computer that is connected to is called a server, the computer that connects to the […]


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